
“Gathering Essence has been a place of fun and comradeship whilst learning deeply about my personal journey in this body. The work has given me a way of cultivating potency, bringing greater flexibility & fluidity to muscles, tendons and fascia. It cultivates equanimity enabling difficult physical & emotional ways of being to be released.

It is a life-enhancing moving meditation. I love it!”


“Gathering Essence is a special place to be and Ewan and Tez are both excellent teachers who I feel lucky to continue to learn with.”


“With Tez and Ewan’s teaching I have experienced an indefinable sense of being, best described as moving freely, swimming weightlessly, in a buoyant, light, spacious, substantial fluidity. There is such ease and completeness, nothing more is needed.”


“The grounded, embodied, and enlightening Gathering Essence teachings have brought me home to myself and strengthened my connection to the Divine.  This has helped me deal with challenging situations with more spaciousness and equilibrium as well as embrace moments of true joy and happiness with my whole heart. I cannot recommend it enough.”




 “Utilising incredible wisdom alongside a deep humbleness, Gathering Essence classes offer anyone willing to commit themselves fully to growth and change a living, organic and ever-deepening system of awakening into the energetic potential within and around us all.”


“I feel much more relaxed in myself since starting the Gathering Essence classes. I have an ease about myself which I never knew was possible and people often comment on how chilled out I am these days!”


“These guys really know their stuff!”


“Gathering Essence has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. The standard of teaching is exemplary as is the practice space itself, it is a work of art. Their approach is extremely effective at vitalising and opening the body, integrating body and mind, in a gentle but fluid way bringing the entire system into functional wholeness. I am extremely grateful that I discovered Gathering Essence when I did as it has been fundamental in helping me move through some of the biggest challenges in my life. I feel my life has been transformed in very positive ways as a result.


“Tez and Ewan show you how to balance the seesaw of life, it’s ups and downs, both personally and on the world stage. Knowing how to find this inner balance profoundly enriches your life, a deep peace arises, regardless of outer circumstances.”